Monday, February 21, 2011


I definitely feel that the "homegrown" appreal that TV shows and ads try to create to emmulate what is seen on the web will dissapear rather soon.  I think in general people would rather see higher quality in TV, online, and advetisements (IE Blue ray, high definition, 3d, etc.) and i feel that advertisements aren't going to risk "falling behind" especially with all of the advancements in technology and digital media. They will definitely make the accomidations needed to create better looking media, and with all the younger generations being more tech-davvy, this will definitely help within compannies online and for advertisments.

2.What social media sites do you find yourself using the most, and why? In your opinion why is Facebook so much more successful than MySpace, and do you think Facebook is "here to stay" for the long term. I definitely think the social media  i use the most is Facebook. The site had grown to over 7 million users, which is more than any other social site ever before.  Almost every single person i know has a facebook; it is actually seen as strange if someone doesn't have one. It has become incorporated into everyone's daily life. It really is a great way to share photos, talk with friends and people from accross the world, and even work with groups on school projects.  There are so many options with facebook, such as e-mail, postings that are visable to everyone, status updates, and even a chat.  It makes social networking so easy for everyone, and that is why i think it is here to stay. Also, The site is always changing and upgrading to make it more user friendly, and more of a "one stop shop"  than it was.  Originally it was only for college students, but it has grown to being used by gandparents, children, and just about everyone.  Facebook now has employees and has advertisers who pay big bucks to advetise on facebook.  Facebook has evolved and had the money  needed to grow and continue to grow with the evolving with technology.( Unlike sites  like myspace that weren't as diverse and changing with times)

Transparency is so important in the social media world. A large reason has to do with how much easier it is to be open with oneself and opinions is much easier online because their is no direct response that you can see.  However, it is kind of ironic that once people feel that their online "privacy" is being violated, thry have a problem with it.  In 2009, Facebook changed their personal settings of privacy and stated that they owned eveything within the site, including photos and information of users.  Techniqually, this does make sense, but people had a major issue with this and the transparency of it.  There have been numerous issues involving transparency  with the growing use of social media.
Many companies have also been accused of astrosurfing and creating "fake grass roots"; they pretend to be a customer or supporter of the company, which is extremely misleading and bothers most people.  Politicans also use to to make the allusion of wonderful supporters. 
I definitely feel that transparency is very important offline but even more so on the internet, because the internet is the global connection that allows anyone in the entire world, and any nuumber of people to see what has been posted or created online.

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